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ENERGY STAR Promotion Program

The objectives of this project are to assist Taiwan EPA in continuing to promote ENERGY STAR Program and stay up-to-date with US EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program implementation status, as well as to explore the feasibility of linking the two programs after the recent changes in US Program’s application, testing and certification procedures. This project includes the following work items: provide assistance in accepting and reviewing applications from office equipment manufacturers for use of ENERGY STAR logo on their qualified products; conduct at least 100 surveillance operations on products carrying the logo; update and maintain the ENERGY STAR information website and regularly issue quarterly electronic newsletters in both English and Chinese; compile the ENERGY STAR labeled products’ sales data over the years, and assess the program’s effectiveness in carbon reduction; continue to update and be kept informed of US and other partner countries’ ENERGY STAR implementation status, and provide such information to domestic applicants; explore the feasibility of linking the US and Taiwan programs after recent changes and make recommendations to the Taiwan EPA; gather the latest US ENERGY STAR product criteria and development information for provision to domestic applicants; and organize 2 informational sessions for potential applicants.
Energy Star;Computer;Monitor